Welcome :)
Welcome to my new website, Peach'sPapers.com I hope you will take the time to browse through it and that the content is mildly interesting. I should perhaps warn you from the beginning, that I enjoy writing with smiley's. I haven't yet managed to sneak any in to my published work, but it is only a matter of time ;).
For those of you who don't know me (I imagine that the majority of people who view this website will be people I know, who I have bribed to visit), I hold a Doctorate in Theoretical Chemistry, and I currently work in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Durham in the North-East of England. Here, I undertake research in density-functional theory (also known as ‘DFT’—you will come to learn that scientists, or at least this particular scientist, enjoy complex sentence structures and abbreviations—). I also teach on various undergraduate courses.
First, I should discuss the title of the website. I spent a disproportionately long time trying to come up with an appropriate title for the website; I hoped to find something catchy that would also put across the content. Peach’s Papers seemed to fit the bill; the alliteration was pleasant (you can correct me if it is not alliteration, but it is a long time since I took English classes so my memory of such things is not what it was). The website is, at least in part, about my published journal articles, or ‘papers’, so the two seemed to go well together.
The Papers page contains details of all of my published work, and provides abstracts, downloadable bibliography data, citation data, and via the respective journal websites, links to full texts. If there is a demand for it, I may provide preprints directly from this site (when allowed by the publishers).
The Research page contains an outline of my research interests, and also will contain a feed of my blog posts that relate to research. Similarly for the Teaching page. I hope to post regular blog entries on research- and academic-related topics in the Patently Peachian Blog. Don’t ask why I came up with that name. I have no idea.
I am an avid photographer, so there is also a section devoted to displaying some of my photographs. All the photos you see on this site were taken by me, unless otherwise stated!
Enjoy the website; it is new so it may have some teething troubles, and there is content still to be added (for instance, at the time of writing this, I still need to put a photo of me on it), but a website loses much of its purpose if it is never published, so going live seems appropriate now, on the day when I have had my 18th paper accepted for publication. (For anyone of a certain age, ‘Going Live’ was a Saturday morning show on the BBC, hosted by a young Phillip Schofield and Sarah Green; I'm not intending for it to have any relation to that).
Thanks for reading!
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